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Cloud Questions

September 4th, 2020 Go to comments

Cloud Quick Summary

Types of clouds

There are 4 types of cloud:

+ Private Cloud: cloud that is dedicated solely to one organization. Advantages of Private Clouds are high security, Regulatory compliance, Flexibility to respond to changing needs. Drawbacks of private cloud are cost, mobile difficulty,
+ Public Cloud: cloud that is delivered via the Internet and shared across organizations. Examples of public clouds are Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Advantages of public cloud are lower costs, Freedom from maintenance. Drawbacks of public cloud are Lack of security, minimal technical control
+ Hyrid Cloud: any environment that uses both public and private clouds. Confidential operations like financial reporting, for example, can be run on a private cloud. High-volume, less sensitive workloads like web-based email – or even temporary workloads such as development and test – can run on a public cloud.
+ Community Cloud: a recent variation on the private cloud model that can be only accessible by group of organizations. It shares the infrastructure between several organizations from a specific community. It may be managed internally by organizations or by the third-party.

Cloud services

There are 3 main types of as-a-Service solutions: SaaS, PaaS and IaaS

+ SaaS (Software as a Service): SaaS uses the web to deliver applications that are managed by a third-party vendor and whose interface is accessed on the clients’ side. Most SaaS applications can be run directly from a web browser without any downloads or installations required, although some require plugins.
+ PaaS (Platform as a Service): are used for applications, and other development, while providing cloud components to software. What developers gain with PaaS is a framework they can build upon to develop or customize applications. PaaS makes the development, testing, and deployment of applications quick, simple, and cost-effective. With this technology, enterprise operations, or a third-party provider, can manage OSes, virtualization, servers, storage, networking, and the PaaS software itself. Developers, however, manage the applications. PaaS provides everything except applications.
+ IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): self-service models for accessing, monitoring, and managing remote datacenter infrastructures, such as compute (virtualized or bare metal), storage, networking, and networking services (e.g. firewalls). Instead of having to purchase hardware outright, users can purchase IaaS based on consumption, similar to electricity or other utility billing.


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3


Only in On-site (on-premises) and IaaS we (tenant) manage O/S (Operating System).


Question 4


Cloud computing can be broken into the following three basic models:
+ Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS describes a cloud solution where you are renting infrastructure. You purchase virtual power to execute your software as needed. This is much like running a virtual server on your own equipment, except you are now running a virtual server on a virtual disk. This model is similar to a utility company model because you pay for what you use.

+ Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS provides everything except applications. Services provided by this model include all phases of the system development life cycle (SDLC) and can use application programming interfaces (APIs), website portals, or gateway software. These solutions tend to be proprietary, which can cause problems if the customer moves away from the provider’s platform.

+ Software as a Service (SaaS): SaaS is designed to provide a complete packaged solution. The software is rented out to the user. The service is usually provided through some type of front end or web portal. While the end user is free to use the service from anywhere, the company pays a peruse fee.

Reference: CCNP and CCIE Security Core SCOR 350-701 Official Cert Guide

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Comments (4) Comments
  1. q9
    February 15th, 2021

    q9 should be controls malicious cloud apps ?

  2. to q9
    February 17th, 2021

    In https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/security/cloudlock/index.html#~features states that:

    Data security:
    Cloudlock’s data loss prevention (DLP) technology continuously monitors cloud environments to detect and secure sensitive information. It provides countless out-of-the-box policies as well as highly tunable custom policies.

    So, A is correct.

  3. Anonymous
    November 27th, 2022

    For question 3 explanation, I believe the screenshot is wrong. In SaaS model the service provider cannot be responsible for data.

    See cert guide CCNP and CCIE Security Core SCOR – Omar Santos

  4. Nick
    June 22nd, 2023

    I paid for a membership, is there a dump pdf still available or do I need to go through each question bank?

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